Onyx & Evergreen Travel

Megan Vatnsdal started her own travel agency in September 2021, when she dove headfirst into the entrepreneurial world. She owns a wedding planning company as well and loves planning dreams for a living. She specializes in bucket list travel for families and couples seeking authentic experiences.

She and her colleague recently launched the new IC Division of Four Hundred, a luxury travel agency based in NYC, and Megan is so grateful to expand her network and expertise through such a renowned agency, given she lives in small-town North Dakota.

She and her husband live in their 110-year-old home with their two adorable kitties, who they even taught how to sit. Luckily, her husband is a financial advisor who keeps her somewhat grounded, or she’d be in a new country each week!

She believes that travel is one of the most enriching experiences a person can have and is committed to helping others discover the joys of living, through travel. Future Leaders in Travel has had such a great impact on her business, has led her to host a successful Luxury Travel Night with suppliers she met at the conference, and she can honestly say that she has met lifelong friends that she can travel and forever talk shop with.